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The Mission of the Church is to Proclaim Jesus

The whole story of the cross is about the mission of God. “Mission” means to send or be sent. God the Father sent God the Son (advent), and God the Son sends God the Holy Spirit (Pentecost), and God the Holy Spirit sends the Church into the world to proclaim Jesus. To be a Christian is to be sent.

2.1 The Holy Spirit Came when They were Together (Acts 2:1)

The text highlights that Jesus sent the Holy Spirit—as promised—when the church was together in one place. If we want the Holy Spirit to do a new work, we have to be together in one place.

2.2 Pentecost, the Holy Spirit, and the Mark of the People of God

Jesus sent the Holy Spirit while the Jews were celebrating when God gave them the Torah in the Old Testament. The Torah and the Holy Spirit mark off the people of God in the world. The sanctifying and unifying presence of the Holy Spirit in believers is the witness to the power of God.

2.2 The Work of God Is Sometimes Sudden

The Holy Spirit comes suddenly. While often times we live into the slow work of God, we have to also believe in the sudden work of God. We can’t miss the open door or else God will send another. We must be ready at all times for the sudden work of God.

2.3 The Holy Spirit Is a Mighty Rushing Wind

Wind is one of the symbols of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit, like wind, is an invisible, life-giving force. Also like wind, the Holy Spirit blows where he wishes, as Jesus tells Nicodemus (Jn. 3). Often times we cannot predict the plans of God and we must be open to his leading.

2.4 Filled the Entire House

There are areas in our lives where we are under conviction. The Holy Spirit is making claim on those areas. Being a christian is not about just having our sins forgiven, but about being completely His. The Holy Spirit wants all of us. The Holy Spirit also wants the whole world.

2.5 Where They Were Sitting

This is the last time the disciples are sitting in the book of Acts. When the Holy Spirit moves, we mobilizes us to advance the Kingdom of God. Acts is marked by constant movement.

2.6 And divided tongues as of fire appeared to them and rested on each one of them

This is one of the most important symbols in the New Testament. This is the reenactment of the presence and glory of God moving into the Tabernacle in the book of Exodus. This image shows us that the church is now the dwelling place of God. God’s plan from the beginning was to make the human heart his home.

2.7 And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance
2.7.1 The Gift of Proclamation

The miracle of Pentecost is the the gospel of Jesus Christ was preached to all nations. That is the gift of the Holy Spirit. This is the reversal of the Tower of Babel. In Genesis 11 he disowned the nations, and now through the redeeming work of Christ, he’s bought them back, and he has commissioned the church to fulfill his promise by reclaiming the nation.  All spiritual gifts are wrapped up in that one gift: the proclamation of the gospel. That’s what the church is empowered to do.

2.7.2 Comprehensible Language

The Holy Spirit enabled them to speak the language of the listeners. It is crucial that we are speaking the language of the people to whom God has called us to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ.

3.0 Invitation

  • Are you unified with the church by the power of the Holy Spirit? Are you quick to forgive? Patient?  Loving to one another? 
  • Are you prepared for the sudden work of God? Yes, there is the slow work of God, but sometimes he works suddenly. Are your shoes on and are you ready to go? Jesus says “let the dead bury their own dead.”
  • Is your spiritual gift advancing the kingdom? Is your gift making disciples and leading people to Jesus?
  • Are you open to the Holy Spirit doing something unpredictable? Jesus wasn’t what they were expecting. Fishermen wasn’t what they were expecting. A cross wasn’t what they were expecting. This is his church, not our church. Are you willing to follow the Holy Spirit where he leads?
  • Does the Holy Spirit have all of you? Have you submitted all of yourself to Jesus? Your will? Your emotions? Your money? Your kids? Your time? Your body? Your thoughts? That is the call.
  • Learning the “Language” of the Target Audience. Are you willing to learn the language of the person to whom you’re called to preach?