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The Gospel is Always Bold

The central function of the church is to proclaim the gospel, by both deed and word. The book of Acts adds to that statement that the good news must be proclaimed with boldness, as there will be enemies to the proclamation of the message of freedom in Jesus Christ. 

2.0 ACTS 4:1–31


As the apostles are faithful to their calling and function in the Holy Spirit, more and more people are being saved. Their faithfulness and the transformation of hearts and lives will create enemies. Jesus and the NT promises that the church will experience persecution (Matt. 5:10–12; 1 Pet. 4:1; 2–14; Jn. 15:19–20; Jn. 16:33). We must remember that the world hates us because we’re free. The unsaved are bound, blind, and jealous. We are fee to love and serve one another. Our internal state is not dictated by our attachment to the ever changing creation. Rather, our source is the unchanging one. 


Persecution is organized, planned, and strategic. It’s not merely happenstance or circumstantial. Greater is he who is in your than the one in the world. The Holy Spirit gives Peter the words to respond, just as Jesus promises (Mk. 13:11). We must keep in mind that just because the Holy Spirit will give us the words, it does not promise us a favorable, short term outcome.

2.3 There is salvation in no one else (Acts 4:12)

Jesus is the only one who can save us from our sin. He’s not the only one who can save us from bad money management, or from a rough marriage. He is the only one, however, who can rescue us from the true disease of sin because he and only he is fully God and fully man, and he is the only one who has defeated death. The resurrection is essential to the good news!

2.4 Be Bold (Acts 4:13–22)

Peter and John’s boldness came through because they spoke the truth without fear. This isn’t license to be rude, for the NT teaches us to be courteous to all people (1 Pet. 3:8). Yet they spoke the truth without fear of consequences, knowing that what they were saying could be offensive to their audience. The truth is on their side as the man has been healed is standing next to them. No one can argue with your testimony. We must obey God above men, and we are commanded and empowered to proclaim the gospel. 

2.5 The prayer for boldness (Acts 4:23–31)

The church prayers immediately for boldness in response to persecution. In their prayer they acknowledge and remember God’s power and sovereignty, they remember what the Scriptures promise regarding persecution, and they request yet even more boldness. 

3.0 Invitation

    • Are you bold in proclaiming the good news of Jesus in both word and deed? Are you quick to share your faith? Do you have a burden for the lost? 
    • Are you depending on the Holy Spirit when facing persecution? We must not rely on our own flesh and our own strength when responding to persecution.
    • Do you look to other means to make you happy and fulfilled? Only Jesus can satisfy the hunger for righteousness.
    • Are you reminded of the evidence of your own testimony? Our testimony is powerful. We must never forget the powerful work of God in our lives.
    • What does it mean for you to be more bold today for your faith? The church asked God to make them even more bold in light of persecution. Are you ready to pray that prayer?