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Covenant Worship

Hello, church family!  Thank you so much for the ways you have encouraged me this week.  We are truly blessed to be a church that holds fast to the Word of God, believes that Jesus Christ is God’s Son, and sacrificially loves one another. This week we get to make it official!

Covenant membership in a church is a profound commitment, a declaration of belonging and unity within a community of faith. Just as the song “Firm Foundation” speaks of building our lives upon the unshakable truth of God’s Word, so too does covenant membership anchor us in the shared principles and beliefs of our church family.  We have been tested.  Wellspring is the testimony that we will not turn our backs on the Truth. Ever.

At the heart of covenant membership lies a mutual agreement ”a covenant”not just between each other and the congregation, but ultimately with God Himself. It is a pledge to uphold the teachings of Scripture, to support and encourage one another in the truth, and to actively participate in the mission and ministry of the church. Just as the lyrics of “Firm Foundation” remind us of the solidity of God’s promises, church membership provides a firm footing for our spiritual life, rooted in the unchanging truth of God’s Word.

Bound in covenant, we are a group of believers who share our joys and sorrows, who walk alongside one another through life’s challenges and triumphs. This has been true of our congregation spanning decades. Just as the song declares, “In every high and stormy gale, my anchor holds within the veil,” being rooted in Christ’s Church provides a refuge—”a safe harbor—amidst life’s storms. It is a reminder that we are not alone, but are surrounded by a fellowship of believers who stand firm on the foundation of Christ.

An important aspect of covenant membership is that it fosters accountability and growth. It is a commitment to spur one another on toward love and good deeds, to challenge and encourage each other in our faith. Like the refrain of “Firm Foundation,” being bound in unity strengthens our resolve to build our lives upon the Solid Rock of Christ, rather than the shifting sands of the world.

Precious brothers and sisters, covenant membership in a church is more than just a “formality”it is a sacred bond, a reflection of our commitment to Christ and to one another.  “Firm Foundation” proclaims the steadfastness of God’s truth; our devotion to one another in response to God’s truth provides a solid framework for our spiritual growth and living a life that glorifies the Worthy One!

We joyfully gather under one roof on Sunday and look toward that day when we will be gathered around the Throne singing the beautiful songs of Heaven together.  What an awesome day that will be!!

Thank you to Suzanne Hart, Kim Cochran, Jan Halford, Becky Tilton, Suzanne Parker and Ellen Healy for standing humbly before the Lord with me this past Sunday to ask Him to fill the sanctuary with His presence. If you feel led to do this, meet me in the “robe room” at 4:40.

I can’t wait to worship with you Sunday!

For His glory, and because I love you,

Stacy Johnson

Wellspring Worship