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Genesis Unveiled: Exploring Origins, Sin, and God’s Sovereignty

Welcome to this week’s episode of the Wellspring Church Bible Study Podcast! Join Dr. Matt Ayars, an Old Testament scholar, as he leads us on an insightful journey through the book of Genesis.

This week, we explore the origins of creation, humanity, sin, marriage, sacrifice, and the sovereignty of God. In this episode, Dr. Ayars dives into Genesis 1 and 2, unpacking profound truths about God’s creative power, the doctrine of original sin, and how Jesus is woven throughout the narrative.

We also discuss key theological concepts like the Trinity in creation, intelligent design, and the significance of God’s sovereignty—even in humanity’s darkest moments.

Key Topics Covered:

  • The structure of Genesis: Primeval History (Ch. 1–11) and Patriarchal Narratives (Ch. 12–50).
  • The doctrine of original sin and its implications.
  • The origins of humanity, marriage, and sacrifice.
  • God’s redemptive plan through the worst moments of human history.
  • The profound connection between Genesis and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Genesis reveals how God’s sovereignty prevails over human sin, using even the greatest tragedies for ultimate redemption. Tune in to gain a deeper understanding of this foundational book and how it shapes our faith today.

Bible Passages Referenced:

  • Genesis 1:1-2
  • Genesis 3:15
  • Genesis 50:19-20
  • John 1:1-3
  • Romans 5:12
  • Deuteronomy 6:4
  • Exodus 3:14

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