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Hosannah! – March 27, 2024

Wellspring Family,

The people of Jerusalem were so confident that Jesus was the one who could save them that they called out their Hosannahs boldly, waving branches of victory…though Rome still pressed in. What a precious visual we had of this on Palm Sunday with our kiddos and their palms (and baby dolls :). Though struggles and hardships still press in, we can and should come boldly and even joyfully to the throne of grace with our cries for help. He IS the one who can help us, and we can wave victoriously while we wait on Him!

Extra time is being dedicated this week to gathering together and looking to Jesus, both on the cross and outside the empty tomb! Invite a neighbor, friend or family member who may not typically go to church,  be praying for these Easter visitors, and let’s see how God will work!

As promised, Pastor Matt’s complete sermon notes from Sunday are below…a great way to continue reviewing, growing and studying personally!

He fills our hearts with love for you all!



  • THURSDAY, March 28th: Mama Hamil’s Psalms Study. Meal 5-6 ($21) and Study is 6-7 PM.  This week we will be focusing on how the Psalms point to Jesus! Join any weeks you can, come for the meal or not, and bring a friend, family member or co-worker! If you are unable to attend, but want to follow the study, the weekly recordings can be found here!

  • FRIDAY, March 29th, 6PM we will have a Good Friday Service @ Embassy Suites in Ridgeland, 200 Township Pl. Can’t wait to worship with you there!

  • SUNDAY, April 7th we will have a town hall meeting immediately following the service!  We will review the new org structure and give updates on the building project.


  • Sew Blessed will meet on Wednesday, April 3, at the Kroger Deli eating area on Hwy 51, Madison.

  • Shower Power Ministry is low on men’s tennis shoe sizes 10 and up (gently used). If you have shoes to contribute, please give them to Bam Magruder, and she’s even willing to pick them up!

  • Christy Livingston’s Art and Crafts class will be on Monday, April 15th at 1pm at Holy Trinity. The first class will be working on Gallery Stained glass. Contact Christy Livingston if you plan to attend.

  • If you’re interested in serving on the Outreach & Evangelism Ministry Team, contact Ellen Healy.
  • We are looking for a volunteer leader for the Bereavement Ministry Team. Interested parties can contact Matt Ayars.
  • We need volunteers for the Children and Youth Ministry Team. Please contact Gina Hardy if you’re interested.
  • WE need a leader for the Prayer Minister Team. Interested parties can contact Matt Ayars


  • Youth Group will meet Wednesday, April 4 at 6PM at the Healy’s home.
  • SAVE THE DATE: M28 Camp at Lake Junaluska, NC will be July 2–5 this year.


Memorial gifts have been graciously given by…

  • Catherine Pope, in memory of Sam Abernathy and in honor of Suzanne Parker.
  • Dorothy A. Patterson, in memory of Same Abernathy and in honor of Suzanne Parker.
  • The Heart to Hart Sunday School Class, in memory of Mary Berry and in honor of Laura Leon.
  • Faye Conger in memory of Same Abernathy and in honor of Suzanne Parker.