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Year of Jubilee

Hello Brothers and Sisters,

Some of you know that Will and I are in Sedona, Arizona this week celebrating the beginning of my 50th year.  I have completed “seven sevens”, and this is my jubilee year.  I wanted to be in the desert, surrounded by the majesty of God, under the stars to worship and praise the Most High, my Father, my Savior, my Protector and Friend.  He is the One who lifts my head.  He is my Refuge. He hides me in the shadow of His wings.  On Saturday, with my best friend and husband, it’s happening!!

A jubilee year is the 50th year. It occurs every seventh Sabbath year (Leviticus 25). It is a time of restoration and liberty. Everything resets. All I am and all I have belongs to the Lord, so I am giving it back to Him. My marriage, my children, my ministry…all of everything.  This is a major reset in my life, and I know there are big changes ahead as I chase joy and freedom this year.

While Will and I were literally lifting off from Houston, I was rushing to answer an email, and as I lost connection, I felt the Holy Spirit tug at me. So I opened my Bible Study and dug in.  We are studying Joseph. He has been falsely accused by Potiphar’s wife and thrown in jail.  From there, he did whatever was asked from him with integrity, humbleness, and trust in the Lord. He did not lose heart.  His eyes and thoughts were always on the Lord his God.  I looked out the window and saw the ground and a few small clouds.  We were flying over what looked liked a Bible map of the wilderness.  The clouds got thicker as we climbed higher, and then when we were above them, I could no longer see the earth.  The Holy Spirit spoke to my heart.  God, who is high above the heavens, has full vision into every heart, mind and motivation. Nothing clouds His vision.  He sees and knows everything that is happening and what will happen and when it will happen. Nothing stops His plan.  Like Joseph, we can trust Him and just live our lives in obedience in the shadow of His wings.  He will take care of the rest.

I have so much to be thankful for, and all of you are right up there at the top of the list.  The Ladies Bible Study group and the Scripture we are walking through together was truly orchestrated by the Lord.  His timing never ceases to amaze me.  Thank you all for pouring the love of Jesus into my life.

Sunday, June 2, is Communion Sunday, and we will have a full traditional service!  We will have a pre-worship prayer in the robe room at 4:40 for whoever would come and pray.

For His Great Name, and because I love you,

Stacy Johnson