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Living Hope

Welcome to the first Worship Focus post, church family!  Beginning this week, the Worship Ministry will be highlighting a song we will be singing on Sunday to help you prepare for worship. At the end of the blog, there will be a list of all songs and links to videos for your enjoyment and study.    

This Sunday, we will be singing “Living Hope” by Phil Wickham. After praying about what to share with you, I found that blending the lyrical New Testament theology of “Living Hope” and the Old Testament passage of Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son Isaac (Genesis 22:1-18) in obedience to God’s command offers a rich exploration of worship. This Scripture passage depicts Abraham’s obedience in preparing to sacrifice Isaac, showing worship as surrendering our most cherished possessions to God. This act parallels the sacrificial love of God giving His Son for us, as depicted in “Living Hope.” The song emphasizes Christ’s resurrection, our redemption, and the hope found in Him. Worship, then, becomes a response to this profound love and sacrifice, offering our lives as living sacrifices (Romans 12:1). As we reflect on the lyrics of “Living Hope,” we’re reminded of God’s unending grace and our response to it, echoing Abraham’s obedience in Genesis 22:5. In worship, we lay down our fears, doubts, and uncertainties, trusting in God’s provision and sovereignty. Just as Abraham believed that God would provide the sacrifice, we trust in the ultimate provision of Jesus Christ, who is our living hope, the true God and eternal life (1 John 5:20). Worship becomes not just an act of singing, but a lifestyle of surrender, obedience, and trust. Through “Living Hope,” we’re invited into a deeper understanding of worship as a response to God’s incredible love and sacrifice, echoing the sentiments of Genesis 22. As we meditate on these truths, may our hearts be stirred to worship God with reverence and awe, offering our lives as a pleasing sacrifice to Him.   

A few weeks ago, the Lord put it on my heart to lead a focused prayer over our services each Sunday with members of the congregation. If you feel led to join this pre-worship prayer group on Sundays, meet me in the sanctuary at 4:40pm.

Thank you to Susan DiFatta, Suzanne Hart and Jan Halford for standing in the gap with me this past Sunday. I would love for you to join us.  

Love to you because of Him, 

Stacy Johnson
Worship Ministry Team Lead