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Revelation 4: Worship in the Court of Heaven

Revelation 4 begins a new section with the next cycle of visions. It comprises a vision of the throne room and heavenly worship. Those present in God’s throne room are the four beasts before the throne (i.e., throne guardians representing all of the creation in worship), the twenty-four elders (i.e., symbolic of the entire church in their future glory), and God the Father. Surrounding the throne are elements that are consistent with Old Testament revelations of God’s throne room (i.e., something like a sea of crystal under the one on the throne, a prism of colors reflecting the divine light of God, lightening, thunder, and an array of bright colors).

This vision sets up for the next chapter which introduces the lamb before the throne who alone is worthy to open the sealed scroll that contains God’s redemptive plans for the creation and the content of Revelation 12– 22. This vision would serve as encouragement to the original audience by way of a reminder that while there are earthly kings, dominions, thrones, and rulers that are corrupt and hostile to Christians, God’s reign is eternal, real, and ultimate, even though it is unseen. His power is above all, and his purposes will be carried out, which means that the persecution of the church is entirely under God’s control and therefore limited.