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Worship and Unity

Dear Church Family,

As I sit down to write this, my heart overflows with gratitude for each one of you. We are not just a congregation; we are a family bound by our shared faith, love, and commitment to the Truth of The Word.

In every moment of worship, whether we’re lifting our voices in song, bowing our heads in prayer, or opening our hearts to the Word, I am reminded of the beauty and power of our unity in Christ Jesus. It’s in those moments that I feel the presence of the Holy Spirit.  It is such a graceful, peaceful feeling.

Your voices raised in harmony echoing the love and glory of our Creator. Your sincere prayers fill the room with hope and trust. And your hearts, open and receptive to learning the character of our Savior so that you can effectively live a life of faith that touches the hearts of people in our community for the glory of the Lord. This happens every Sunday, and it does us good to remember.

Together, we journey through this life, supporting and uplifting one another through every triumph and trial. In times of joy, we rejoice together, celebrating the goodness of our God. In times of sorrow, we mourn together, finding solace in the comfort of our shared faith. These relationships have been born and nourished, some for decades, in the love of Jesus Christ.  In good times and bad. I am so thankful for each of you.

As we continue to walk together, our worship will deepen, our love will grow, and our faith will get stronger. May we, as children of God, always be a beacon of brotherly love in our community.

If you feel led this Sunday, please join me for a special time of prayer over our worship service at 4:40, in the robe room.

For His glory, and because I love you,

Stacy Johnson
Wellspring Worship